A uAIFI System

Reshaping the Performance
of what's 1.5T

uMR® 670 is the new wide-bore 1.5T system that gives you full confidence to deliver the productive, reliable and comfortable experience that matters in MRI examinations. uAIFI DeepRecon ushers in a new chapter of '3.0T-like' image quality through deep learning-based image reconstruction. Moreover, uAIFI EasySense, the contactless respiratory motion monitoring system, delivers a revolutionary way of preparing abdomen scanning and improves patient comfort.

Simultaneously improves SNR and image sharpness

uAIFI DeepRecon: Provides 1.5T System with '3.0T-like' Image Sharpness

Streamlines the workflow and provides more comfort

uAIFI EasySense: Contactless Sensing of Patients' Respiratory Motions

Covers complete clinical examinations

uAIFI Qscan: Quiet Scanning
for whole body

1.5T Wide-bore System with '3.0T-like' Image Quality

uAIFI Technology

uAIFI Technology includes a series of innovations: EasySense, the industry's first dual-source phased array millimeter-wave contactless respiratory motion sensing technology; DeepRecon, a deep learning (DL) based image reconstruction technique technology; as well as QScan, quiet scanning technology for whole body.

The uAIFI Technology will provide the uMR® 670 with significant performance enhancements, more powerful imaging capabilities, better workflow, and improved user experience.
uAIFI Technology
uAIFI Technology

uAIFI DeepRecon

Deep learning (DL) based image reconstruction technology, simultaneously improving SNR and image sharpness.

Intelligent Noise Reduction

Intelligently removes noise from images while maintaining excellent diagnostic image quality.

Improved Image Sharpness

Delivers high-resolution anatomical structure with sharper anatomical structure.

High Fidelity

A double safety lock design in both image domain and K-space domain, delivering high-reliability results.

Broad Field-of-View

Applicable for multi-bed scanning such as whole spine and whole-body imaging.

uAIFI EasySense

Industry's first dual-source phased-array millimeter-wave radar solution for contactless sensing of patients' respiratory motions.
uAIFI EasySense*
Streamlined Workflow

No need for technologists to attach a respiratory belt to patients.

Better Patient Comfort

Contactless sensing for free breathing, better for patients with respiratory challenges.

Dual-Souce Millimeter-Wave Radar

Fully integrated within the MRI bore and unobstructed by clothing or MRI RF coils.

Outstanding Stability and Accuracy

0.1mm detection accuracy of breathing motion with a temporal resolution up to 20ms.

uAIFI EasySense*
Clinical Images
    High-resolution Joint
A uAIFI System
A uAIFI System
    Whole-body DWI     
A uAIFI System
A uAIFI System
    High-resolution Joint
    Whole-body DWI     
Technical Details
  • Magnet System
  • Gradient System
  • RF System
  • Installation Information

Magnet System


Field Strength

1.5 Tesla

Bore Diameter

70 cm

Evaporation Rate of the Cryogen During Scanning

0% (Under normal use)


Passive & Active

Gradient System


Maximum Gradient Amplitude

33 mT/m

Maximum Slew Rate

130 T/m/s

RF System


Number of Independent Receiver Channels

Up to 72

Installation Information


Scanning Room Area (Minimum)

19.83 m2

Electronics Room Area (Minimum)

N.A. (Length & width based on the actual situation)

Control Room Area (Minimum)

4 m2