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MRI – how should I prepare for the scan?


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure that allows doctors to look closely at the internal structures of the body. Although MRI is a painless procedure, it requires adequate preparation and the patient’s cooperation. Here are detailed guidelines to help you prepare for the scan and minimise the stress involved.


Computed tomography – indications, what does it look like, how to prepare for the scan and how long does a CT scan take?


Computed tomography, or CT for short, is one of the greatest advances in radiological diagnostics. By combining X-rays with state-of-the-art equipment and information technology, it produces precise images of internal organs and bones, providing the detailed and accurate data needed to make a proper diagnosis.


Cholangiography – all you need to know


Magnetic resonance cholangiography (MRCP) is an advanced medical imaging technique that allows detailed analysis of the bile ducts. It is very useful in diagnosing various diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas. What does cholangiography look like in practice?


Is it safe to have an MRI scan during pregnancy?


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of the safest and most advanced diagnostic tools in modern medicine, but its use during pregnancy raises many questions. Is it safe to have an MRI scan during pregnancy?


What is imaging diagnostics?


Imaging is the cornerstone of modern medicine and encompasses a range of advanced technologies used to visualise the inside of the human body. It provides unprecedented insight into the structure and function of the body and has become an essential tool in the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of a wide range of conditions.